Lit Flicks Challenge Completed

I’ve now completed my first reading challenge.  This helped me get some of my TBR books into my read pile which is always good.  It was fun reading the reviews of books and movies I’d already read and seen.  Even more fun was finding out about titles that were new to me. Here were the… Continue reading Lit Flicks Challenge Completed

The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer

After witnessing a portion of the release party for Breaking Dawn I had to read the books for myself to understand what the big fuss was all about.  I mostly borrowed the books of a co-worker and I finished Breaking Dawn during the Labor Day weekend.  (A lot of the time I read faster than… Continue reading The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer

All content Copyright held by Amber Stults 2008-2023 unless noted. Run on German Shepherd Power.