Rhonda requested I post a few interesting tidbits about me or my work. Since my blog has been more about reviewing lately I thought it would be good to focus on the writing side of me for a bit. On the surface it’s an easy enough request to find six things but because I live with them all of the time others may not find them so interesting.
Here goes nothing:
- In addition to a completed first draft of More Than Blue I have two incomplete first drafts of novels. Though the genres of my novels are literary and fantasy I have managed to include a Pembroke Welsh Corgi in every novel. I intend to continue this tradition in my next novel.
- Writing new material is easier when it’s a habit. Writing on the same story or novel each day or on a weekly basis keeps me focused on the task at hand. A good break to get my mind working in another direction is to edit a completely different work.
- A walk in my neighborhood usually gives me ideas when I’m stuck on what to write next. It’s a time of reflection for me. I may notice the chirpy chatter of the squirrels, the hydrangeas that have been cut down to nothing, or my mind will wander and I’ll end up with a first line or a plot point.
- I’m more productive (writing and editing) when I have deadlines. Self-imposed deadlines usually don’t work but deadlines from editors or critique partners keep me producing more.
- It’s good to fill the well of creativity from time to time. It can be done with a short trip out of town, dancing in the living room (and not caring who is watching), looking at art, or reading a really good book. In short, living my life but allowing room for the introspective moments lets me notice those small details that enrich my writing.
- It’s difficult for me to remain focused on writing if I am hungry. In fact, I end up writing about food in great detail which makes it worse.
I’d like to introduce you to some writers you may not have heard of before.
Beate Boeker – A romance novelist, Beate is just as funny online as her characters. Beate’s romance, Wings to Fly, was released by Avalon Romance this year. Her short story, “Between Floors” is currently available from The Wild Rose Press.
Lisa Damian – Lisa writes for blogcritics but I just go straight to her blog site so I don’t have to filter through everything. Her book, Trout Valley, the Hertz Estate, and Curtiss Farm was released this year.
Neil Gaiman – I think his blog is a good example of a writer who writes a lot but also has time to share part of himself with his fans.
Rhonda Parrish – Rhonda is a writer and she’s the editor of Niteblade. She’s an inspiration for me. Without knowing it, she pushes me to reach my writing goals. She’s a great writer, editor, and (most importantly) friend.
Lea Schizas – This woman has the energy of ten people. She writes in multiple genres… she edits… and she runs The Muse Online Writers Conference each October.
Lucy A. Snyder – Lucy lives in the same town I do. She writes short stories, poems and essays. Her urban fantasy novel, Spellbent, is scheduled for release next year. Lucy also coordinates the writing workshops for Context 21.
OMG – I made a writer’s list that included Neil Gaiman. I am squealing with glee! (Okay, perhaps that was an over reaction, but I feel compelled to seize each little ray of joy. It just makes life more fun. Thanks for the mention.)
I’m right there with you on #3. Coincidentally, my October writing challenge exercise that I gave to participants of my monthly writing workshops was to get outside, observe, and incorporate it into a story, poem or essay in some way.
I’m a #5 person too. We need to nurture our creativity in every way possible, and sometimes that is through just letting go. In addition to dancing, I find that driving allows my mind to flow more freely. I focus on characters and themes in more depth, and I always want to write afterwards. It’s one of the reasons I take a journal and/or laptop with me practically everywhere I go.
Your comments always make me smile, Lisa. 🙂 Lucy interviewed Neil Gaiman a while back and I know someone (Jeff Smith) who knows Neil and hubby knows both Jeff Smith and Scott McCloud who know Neil so you’re only a few degrees separated from him. 🙂
You walk in hallowed circles… Jeff Smith, Scott McCloud, Neil Gaiman. I bow before your less-than-6-degrees of separation from comic and novel greatness.
I’m sure you know a few of the comic and novel greats yourself, Elmore!
I, too, am bowing at your less-than-6-degrees of separation from Neil Gaiman. That man is an inspiration to me. I love, love, love Neverwhere. Brilliant. Sheer brilliance.
I’m also incredibly flattered to find out I help you reach your writing goals — even if I am doing it without knowing it 🙂
I’m hoping we’ll actually get to meet face-to-face when World Fantasy comes to your city (I think it’s in 2010) — keep your fingers crossed for me 😉