Books Gifted in December 2013

Family members know my husband and I are book people. Hardly a year goes by that someone doesn’t receive a book from us. Here are some of the books given this month:

  • Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett, Illustrated by Jon Klassen – My sister-in-law and I knit so my niece has seen firsthand what can be done with a bit of colorful yarn and two sticks. 🙂 My niece likes the book so much she had someone read it to her after it was unwrapped, later that day and was certain to ask for it at bedtime.
  • The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy by Jody Duncan Jesser and Janine Pourroy – My brother is a huge Batman fan and he liked the movies. The only thing better would be some alternate universe comic where Batman and Wolverine have to combine forces against a villain.
  • Life After Life by Kate Atkinson – It was on my wish list but is something I’ve been dying to read. I mean… it’s a KATE ATKINSON BOOK! That’s something to get excited about. I looked for it a few times at the local bookstore but never found it in stock.
  • An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth by Col. Chris Hadfield – My father-in-law enjoys memoirs and books based on true events. I heard Col. Chris Hadfield’s interview on NPR and thought he had some interesting situations happen to him and they’d make for interesting reading.
  • The Book of Schmaltz by Michael Ruhlman – Ruhlman is an Ohio author and I like his books. I thought it a longshot my mother would try to make any of the recipes but thought she’d enjoy it. Within a few days she’d read it from front to back. It reminds her of food made by her aunts.
  • Still Foolin’ ‘Em by Billy Crystal – As long as I can remember my mother has liked him. I recall my parents watching Soap and I’m sure he was one reason. My mother says she chuckled a few times within the first few pages.
  • A Wilder Rose by Susan Wittig Albert – One of my sister-in-laws loves little house on the prairie. A few years ago I gave her The Wilder Life by Wendy McClure which she seemed to like. I think the Ingalls-Wilder clan has been mined enough and won’t be revisited for a long time.

I recall my husband was trying to decide between a book of poetry and a memoir for someone’s birthday. I can’t remember what he decided on. Maybe I’ll post these book gifts during months we give books so you can maybe get some book ideas too.


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